Thursday, 23 January 2025

Make love, feel love !

 Theme: Erotic, fiction, fantasy, stimulating. For adults only. 

Last night while i was ready to call it a night, i remembered you for the love and warmth. Seeing how beautiful God has made you, set my heart beat faster. I felt as if i can see you looking in my eyes, smiling with your lips spreading wide and cuteness of those white pearl teeth shining through. As you looked at me with those starry eyes, the desire to be close to you started to rise. You wore a black sleeveless top and blue denim shorts. You looked like a miracle unleashed by God to captivate the mortal soul of mine. As we came closer, my lips reached for your cheeks, soft and smooth like silky chocolate mousse. As i moved my lips to enjoy a dallop of goodness, my arms embraced you and brought your body closer to mine. My one hand tried to touch your back and feel the slippery slope while the other hand moved in your hair, gently holding your face in my palm and kissing your cheek and forehead.

With every peck, every kiss the desire to love you more reaches a new peak. And then our lips locked with warm breath exchanging a sweet taste from inside you into me. The deeper i kissed your lips, the more i felt being one with you. The tongues collided to wage a war of supremacy, claim the ownership of wild desires.

After a good session of unlocking life with lips, i wanted to look at you...your eyes, your cheeks, your lips...admire the beauty God has bestowed upon you. My hand moved your top and bra string off your shoulder revealing the naked shoulderline....and then my lips went to work...digging in on the neck line and shoulder and sucking a mouthful of goodness with each dig. The way you felt while i kissed your shoulder, inspired me to love you deeper and longer. The nervous start, the hesitant kisses were moving to a wilder desires.

Both my hands were caressing your butt as i slid them under the shorts. Then i moved my hand to unbutton your short and unzip it. As it opened up, the urge to pull it down and run my finger around your treasure cave was taking over. I glanced down below as the shorts fell to the ground and a dull blue color final layer defended the hidden gem. I had to unlock the gates to reach the treasure. Went down, kissed over the thin layer and pulled it to the side from front to place a kiss on the inside. As I started to pull down the cover, i kept kissing the clear surroundings to the cave. The last defence went down. It was time to massage the gates with my finger and feel the moist walls as love desires drench the inside as proof of mutual agreement. To seal the agreement, i planted a kiss on top of the cave with a little pressure and tasted the exotic fruit.

As my eyes pierced through the view of the caves, i opened up your legs and enjoyed those thighs like the main course servings at the buffet. Big kisses, wet licks....they are a treat on their own.
and then it was time....for the big reveal. i pulled up your top and took it off in a jiffy. The views were enchanting, captivating. Had to now unhook the final hold before the love flood turns into a tsunami. And there it was , the shining peaks....the mountains of ultimate desire. The tits were in sleep mode and had to be wokenup with a gentle touch. A rub of thumb, a little suck of lips..brought them to life. A squeeze, a suck, kisses all around...peaks offer the widest blooming garden. As i kept sucking on tits, it felt as if someone was filling me up with joy and quenching my thirst for love. The more you suck, the better it felt. The hard tits accounted for their presence with a scintillating performance. They were late to the party but became the show stopper.
As the time passed by or lets say as the time stopped ...we moved to the grand finale. 

It was time to dig through the treasure. It was time to bake the bread inside the hottest oven.. It was time for the deep dive into the bottomless ocean. You turned around and called for to be stroked from behind...for one to reach the deepest and most needs the strongest force to be applied. Every stroke felt warm, every stroke touched a new depth, the wet walls made for a smooth action. As the strokes became faster, the heart beat faster. The ultimate feeling of satisfying love was making the brain go empty and devoid of any thoughts. Just keep pumping, keep pumping, keep loving her till she doesn't tell you to stop. Love her till she tells you to love. As we lay in each other's arms thereafter, only the warmth and soft touch was left...there was nothing else. The soul was blessed, felt so alive.

Jab bhi tumhe chhoota hoon to khud ko jee leta hoon, teri baahon se tere labon se zindagi ki pyaas mita leta hoon.

Thursday, 28 March 2024

You matter, take care of yourself too !


Every now and then i think about how people talk, think, interpret and communicate. In a life that's already stressed out with everyday hassles of mundane events and squeezed time, we tend to forget how life needs a kinder approach. Not only to ensure peace and happiness for others but for oneself too. 

from hereon, "We" will be replaced with "I" to focus on oneself

I am amazed at the fact and world will be equally amused that.... even if I am not there in the chaos or the regular will keep moving....people will keep growing....things will keep happening. 

Nothing stops, everything will adapt to your absence. Don't be like "Oh if i am gone, all hell will break lose". That's the biggest myth and even if its true, you are in a wrong place or with wrong people then.

Therefore, I need to find time for myself once in a while, do things I like, make a wish, go incognito, become invisible, look at a valley, hear the waves  crashing with each other, stare at the stars, camp in a jungle, meditate in a  temple...a thousand ways, a thousand things....I will find one get away for myself and enjoy it to the full.

Give your body, you mind, your soul a chance to dance with your own self. 

In one of my experiences, We went as a group for a meditation course. All one had to do was to sit and breathe. No movement, no shouting, no reciting...just sit and breathe. From early morning to evening, the sessions lasted 2 hours at a go with some breaks for food and rest. Early dinner and then lights out. Sitting there breathing and just breathing, a thousand thoughts started coming out. From childhood to school to college...stories, anecdotes...friends, enemies, parents, relatives, crushes, first love, second  love, third love...the future, the choices, the alternatives, the dreams, the challenges. Everything comes to the mind when you are just sitting and breathing without any external disturbance and communication. And then after a certain time, when you have exhausted all the thoughts and pondered over them again and again....mind goes start to really feel whats happening inside your body...the waves in your body. You come to know yourself. You are with yourself.  

Similarly, we need to break away from mundane routine, constraints, dependencies and make sure we do things that help us know ourselves, satisfy our physical, emotional and spiritual needs and desires. You can only do till you can, when you can't then you can only think and it will be too late.

So, i tell myself.....
I will travel for myself
I will eat for myself
I will love for myself
I will pray for myself
myself ! I will never forget myself. 

Sunday, 12 June 2022

In the memory of the magician...

 One fortunate day wandering in the real world, a dream seem to have unraveled. 

Its so beautiful and captivating, eyes hooked on the twinkle of those starry eyes, the glow of the face, touch of soft skin, million dollar (USD) smile. 

The world can be locked down and one may be far but the mind will always be free to wander and wonder, can feel the sweet smell and warm breath. 

That divine feeling of sheer bliss.

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

A lesson in friendship

Neither you can make everyone happy nor you can save everyone every time, You are not God.

Thoughts in works..... 

A meeting that didn't happen - Milna jaise mile ajnabi !

As years pass by and i count every day that i have been away from you, it seems you are still with me somewhere deep inside. The connection i never thought will be so strong that it will make me cry every once in a while. No, this is not to say that i am a sad drunk lover now who can't handle someone going away but somewhere life misses you and i miss life...seems to me that it became synonymous with you and your smile. 

In my life i have this tendency of creating scenes, scenes that will happen or not happen some day somewhere. I still remember when we parted ways, i built a sequence in my mind when we will meet next. 

So here goes the scene...which i thought almost 7 years back.

One day, I will intentionally land in your city, call you under pretense that i have some work in city and would like to catch up with you if possible. You will say yes and we will setup some time. But the truth will be that  all i am doing in the city is to meet you, see your smile, hear your voice, talk to you looking at you. I will reach the coffee shop or similar setup before you. I have a song which will play when you enter the place. 

So, here goes the song.....

Tara tta ra tara tta
Tara tta rara
Tara tara
Jaise milein ajnabi
Hai meri duaa ke
Jab hum milein
To dekhe mere dost
Ek baar yoon hi
Jaise mile ajnabi

Hum phir se chalein
To phir se hanse
Main phir se udoon
Paaoon nayi khushi
Jaise mile ajnabi

To kyaa huaa gar
Faansle darmiyaan na
Pad gaye iska kya ghum
Thaam loon pichey se
Gar main tujhe
Tu mud ker mile
Phir ek hohum

Ttara tta ratara tta tara tta
Rararara tara tta
Jaise mile ajnabi

Jane kyoon juda raaste hue
Jaane kab mile hum tum phirr
Sooraj ke sahil se kirnon ki
Naavon mein nikli thi main
Dhoondne kho gayi

Ab to milo ajnabi
Ttara tta tara tta
Tara ttara tta tara tta
Jaise mile ajnabi

Dekhoon to chali
Hai hawaa nayi
Dil mein phir jo
Laavon diya kahin
Khwaabon ke jangal
Mein pedon ke shaakhon
Se patte samete
Main hoon khadi

Ab to milo ajnabi
Hai meri duaa ke jab hum mile
To dekhe mujhe mere dost
Ek baar yoon hi
Jaise milein ajnabi

Hum phirr se chale
Tu phirr se hanse
Main phirr se udoon
Paaoon nayi ek khushi
Jaise mile ajnabi
Jaise mile ajnabi, Jaise mile ajnabi. 

Eternally grateful to the God for bringing you to my life for whatever time It allocated. 

Ye kaisa ishq ka berehem kaanoon,

Kasoor dil ka aur saza aankhon ko kyun...

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Being Brave….doesn’t come easy !

Being Brave….doesn’t come easy !

Life never runs out of stories, which inspire one to stay steadfast in tough situations, keep their smile on and weather the storm like a warrior.

Lucky as I am on and off in life, I had the golden chance to witness someone showing courage when everything in life seemed going the wrong way. From personal conflicts to professional downward curve to certain bankruptcy. It takes courage of 100 warriors to sail through the situation when you know that outside world will put the blame on you with rants of history repeats, something wrong with you only, how can it happen again, sudhar jaao.

So, how does someone get courage or has the courage inside them to stay tall and stay firm. I think it comes from just one source…..conviction in self, your self-belief. When you are convinced that you are right, you did your part, you tried hard and there is nothing more important than the self-respect. That’s when you know that you can sail through any storm that comes your way. Everything else will fall in place. People will forget (people do not matter…who gives shit about them anyway). Family and friends will always support you (at least if they feel they are family and friends). Life will give new opportunities, new directions, and new hope. When you are ready to embrace those and leave everything that shackled you….you know you are a life warrior. You will always be on right path. Either others will join your path or they will see you scampering away on a life journey, which they would always wish they witnessed.

I always believe that either you Live Life on your own terms or people will keep changing the term for you with lots of conditions with * mark hidden somewhere in obscurity.

And my dear…you have chosen…chosen to live by yours!

Will you never make a mistake again, will the life never test you again? I would be lying if I said no. It will test you again someday, some way … but even then, I will always know that you will sail through, sail through another storm and come out victorious on the other side.

So, live life your size, world with adjust accordingly!

Am i brave? That story will unfold some day. For now, i just feel inspired by such golden souls. 

Friday, 26 April 2019

My story is for understand

Sometimes we are just too scared to share our lives, our life's stories, our life's ups and downs. If you are not, I am. I will gladly admit to anyone that i am too scared to share my life story. The story has so many situations, contexts, views that i don't think i will be able to do justice as a story teller, and most importantly, whether other person will be able to understand it.

I think the basic problem in telling the your story to someone is the fear of their interpretation of the story....or the interpretation of you.