Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Being Brave….doesn’t come easy !

Being Brave….doesn’t come easy !

Life never runs out of stories, which inspire one to stay steadfast in tough situations, keep their smile on and weather the storm like a warrior.

Lucky as I am on and off in life, I had the golden chance to witness someone showing courage when everything in life seemed going the wrong way. From personal conflicts to professional downward curve to certain bankruptcy. It takes courage of 100 warriors to sail through the situation when you know that outside world will put the blame on you with rants of history repeats, something wrong with you only, how can it happen again, sudhar jaao.

So, how does someone get courage or has the courage inside them to stay tall and stay firm. I think it comes from just one source…..conviction in self, your self-belief. When you are convinced that you are right, you did your part, you tried hard and there is nothing more important than the self-respect. That’s when you know that you can sail through any storm that comes your way. Everything else will fall in place. People will forget (people do not matter…who gives shit about them anyway). Family and friends will always support you (at least if they feel they are family and friends). Life will give new opportunities, new directions, and new hope. When you are ready to embrace those and leave everything that shackled you….you know you are a life warrior. You will always be on right path. Either others will join your path or they will see you scampering away on a life journey, which they would always wish they witnessed.

I always believe that either you Live Life on your own terms or people will keep changing the term for you with lots of conditions with * mark hidden somewhere in obscurity.

And my dear…you have chosen…chosen to live by yours!

Will you never make a mistake again, will the life never test you again? I would be lying if I said no. It will test you again someday, some way … but even then, I will always know that you will sail through, sail through another storm and come out victorious on the other side.

So, live life your size, world with adjust accordingly!

Am i brave? That story will unfold some day. For now, i just feel inspired by such golden souls. 

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